
Renew your expiring TAJ card – Social security in Hungary

Is there an expiration date on your Hungarian social security card? If yes, make sure to get a new TAJ card before it expires so you remain eligible for healthcare services in Hungary.

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Invoices in Hungary: How to create and manage invoices?

Your Hungarian company is required to track its incoming and outgoing payments. Your taxes are calculated based on these, and transactions must be recorded. Incoming payments are recorded on invoices in Hungary – read on to learn how that works.

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Courtesy agreement of accommodation for your Hungarian residence permit

When you apply for the Hungarian residence permit, you need to indicate where you are going to live. Most people rent a home for themselves, but staying with a friend is also an option. The courtesy agreement is the document you can present to the immigration office instead of a rental agreement.

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How to obtain a certificate of good conduct in Hungary

When you are taking care of official paperwork in Hungary, you might be required to submit a certificate of good conduct to verify that you are a law-abiding person. Obtaining this document is quite easy and free of charge.

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Labor contract at your Hungarian company

When are you planning to make the first hire at your Hungarian company? Your new employee will need a labor contract that defines the employment relationship between the two of you, and protect the rights of both the employer and the employee. Let’s take a closer look at how that works.

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Do you need an immigration lawyer in Hungary?

When planning to apply for Hungarian residency or citizenship, many people start looking for an immigration lawyer. However, you do not necessarily need a lawyer just for your application; you might be better off with the expert help of an immigration agency that can provide comprehensive service.

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How to become self-employed in Hungary?

Being self-employed in Hungary gives you the flexibility to decide when and how much you work for who. But is it really for you? Get a quick overview of what to watch out for before you take the first step.

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No more Hungarian immunity cards from March 2023

After pandemic related restrictions have been phased out (and have not been reintroduced over some time), the Hungarian government has determined that there is no more need for immunity cards, so they will not print any more of them.

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Trademark law modified in Hungary as of January 2023

Hungarian trademark law has just been updated to better harmonize with EU regulations and other relevant Hungarian law. This means several small changes to the existing law, mostly with practical considerations, making the trademark registration process smoother than before.

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Digital citizenship in Hungary – How will electronic administration change?

The Hungarian government has recently approved the National Digital Citizenship Program that aims at creating more accessible online administration spaces. The first strategic phase is set to start in 2023 and end in 2026.

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