Helpers Hungary

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How does the new immigration bill affect employment of foreigners in Hungary

The government has recently proposed a reform to immigration law in Hungary. While the Parliament is still debating the proposal, nothing is final, and experts and market players are also being consulted in on the topic.

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The new Hungarian golden visa program is being debated in Parliament

The new bill about the introduction of another Hungarian golden visa program is currently being debated in Parliament. Below you can find a summary of the opening address.

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Existing and upcoming investment residency options in Hungary

Last week a new golden visa program was announced in Hungary, going live in 2024 (exact date not known yet). However, Hungarian residency is already available based on real estate investment. Should you wait for the new program, or should you act now? Read on to find out.

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New Hungarian golden visa program announced for investors

Today, the Hungarian government has published plans to introduce a new golden visa option for investors (known in Hungarian as “guest investor residence permit”), making this the latest and most attractive investment residency program in the EU.

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KGFB: motor third-party liability insurance in Hungary

Motor third party liability insurance is required for every motor vehicle running on public roads in Hungary. This type of insurance is called KGFB in Hungarian, and you can switch providers once a year: in November.

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ETIAS and EES: new timeline announced for European border control

The ETIAS and the EES are electronic administrative systems that were meant to provide better European border control. Their introduction has again been pushed back, this time to the end of 2024.

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Budapest: a multicultural city – Census 2022 results

According to the results of the last census, the number of foreign nationals living in Budapest as well as Hungary has been growing steadily over the last 20 years. In some of the more popular districts, almost a quarter of the residents are foreigners.

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Heating at the office – winter work safety in Hungary

While fall is warm and mild this year, we are already in the season where heaters will inevitably be switched on all over Hungary. Since temperature is an essential element of an appropriate working environment, heating at the office will play an important role in the health as well as the productivity of your employees.

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Does Hungary allow multiple citizenships?

Yes, Hungary allows not only dual, but also multiple citizenships. There is no limit on the number of countries you can be a citizen of beside Hungarian citizenship. However, there is a few things you should watch out for.

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