The financed option is available again for the Hungarian Residency Bond program

The Hungarian Residency Bond Program is currently suspended. For other options on obtaining European residency/citizenship, please visit, where you can see the offers by country. You may also check out the Hungarian Real Estate Residency program.
The Hungarian Residency Bond program offers permanent residency to non-European businesspeople who are willing to invest into Hungarian government bonds – the so called residency bonds. The Hungarian program is the cheapest in Europe, with only EUR 300,000 to invest. Now, adding another attraction to the program, the financed option is available again – for a limited time.
The Hungarian Residency Bond Program
In the framework of the program, you invest EUR 300,000 into Hungarian government bonds, which entitles you to apply for a permanent resident permit for yourself and your family (spouse and underage children). Since this is actually an investment, the EUR 300,000 will be returned to you in time. The investment period is five years long. This way, for a financial commitment of 5 years, you get permanent resident permits for good.
Apart from this investment, you pay EUR 60,000 as a processing fee. This fee is not refundable.
The Financed Option
For those who do not want to part from the whole investment sum, e.g. because they want to use their money for other ventures, a financed option is available. In this set-up, about half of the sum is financed by a bank, so you only have to part with half of it.
In the financed option, you pay EUR 140,000 as your part of the investment. However, this is not to be returned.
The processing fee is the same, EUR 60,000.
This way, if you choose the financed option, you have to pay EUR 200,000 in total. This sum is not returnable. It gets you the same perks as the full program, so you get permanent resident permits for yourself and your family. You also get the same VIP assistance throughout the whole process to make sure everything goes fine.
Available for a limited time
The financed option was already available for a limited time once. Then the bank offering the financing finally discontinued this option. Now the offer is available again. However, we cannot be sure how long the financed option remains available. If you are positive that you want to immigrate to Europe through the financed option of the Hungarian residency bond program, make sure to apply while the option is open.
Interested? Contact us!
For more information, please do not hesitate to enquire at our office. We offer free consultation to anyone interested in the program. Our colleague Mo Shaban will be happy to answer all your questions, whether you contact him on phone (+36.1.317.8570) or in email at
Apply today!
For other countries that offer a financing option with their investment plans, visit to see the comprehensive list.
The post The financed option is available again for the Hungarian Residency Bond program appeared first on HELPERS.