Hungarian salary calculator available – in English, online

We proudly announce that our English-language online Hungarian salary calculator is now available.
Check out the Hungarian salary calculator
Designed for foreign-owned companies
Our clients are mostly foreigners operating a company in Hungary. As such, for them the most important pieces of information are the company cost and the net salary: how much hiring an employee will cost the company, and how much money the employee will actually get after paying all taxes and contributions.
No need to worry about all the salary components
In Hungary, the salary is strictly regulated. It has various components, while various tax benefits may also be available. These may be difficult to calculate, and there is no reliable online calculator to show you all the relevant numbers, especially not in English. Or, one correction: there was no reliable online English-language salary calculator, until now.
We have developed our online Hungarian salary calculator to give foreign company owners a tool to simply calculate company cost and net salary, which are usually the most important figures for them. Our tool also offers a detailed breakdown, to help you better understand Hungarian salary components, including income tax, social contribution, family tax benefits, and all the most important elements effecting the full cost and the net salary.
A handy tool to aid informed decision-making
The main goal of our Hungarian salary calculator is to help foreign company owners make an informed decision before deciding to hire workforce, and save costs on this element of business planning.
Go to the salary calculator now
Of course, if you are interested in other services related to Hungarian company operation, we are happy to help. Read more about our services on the below links, or contact us today on
Payroll, social security and HR
Disclaimer: The data in this article reflect the state of affairs upon publication. To get up-to-date information, always consult your accountant.
First published in June 2018. Last updated on 17 February 2021.
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