
Every year, a contest is held to select the cake of Hungary. The decision is made early August, in time for the 20 August celebrations. The holiday is sometimes also jokingly called the birthday of Hungary – since the date commemorates the foundation of Hungary more than a 1,000 years ago. The winner of the contest will be available all over Hungary during the celebrations and in the following period.
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Graduating from high school is a big milestone in life, which has to be celebrated. Of course, Hungarians have their own way of doing it: in a formal event, when students tour the school building together one last time, and then they are congratulated by their teachers, family, and friends. Read on to learn how that works.
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Farsang is the Hungarian equivalent of the Carnival season, with some specific alterations. Farsang covers the entire period between the twelfth day of Christmas and Shrove Tuesday, and it is a time for merrymaking and courtship.
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Christmas is approaching quickly. If you are in Hungary and invited to a Christmas party, you will most probably come across one or more of our staple Christmas pastries. Can you match each to our cover image? Make sure to try them if you get the chance.
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Changing your name when getting married Traditionally, women change their name upon getting married to reflect that now they belong with the family of the husband. Nowadays this approach is getting considered more and more outdated, so more modern options are also available. Find an overview below, with examples added for each option. Husband: Horváth […]
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Making wine in Hungary Hungary has been well known for its excellent wine since ancient times. Even though the country is not big, there are 22 separate wine regions in 6 major territories. Tokaj in the North Hungarian Mountains was declared the first official wine region in Europe in 1737, and wine made there was […]
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Word order in Hungarian names First of all, Hungarian names are back to front (compared to the majority of the Western world). The family name comes first, followed by the given name, of which there might be one or more. What the English calls the first name is in fact the given name, which never […]
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Learn how 20 August became one of the most important holidays in Hungary, and how it is celebrated. Food, family events and fireworks all over the country.
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Hungary’s official language is Hungarian, which is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world. But what makes it so hair-raising to most language learners? Let’s get a closer look at the Hungarian language together to find out.
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In Hungary, we celebrate not only the birthday of our loved ones, but also their name days. In the calendar, each day is dedicated to one or more specific names, which is an excellent occasion to get together and celebrate. But how does that work, and where does it come from?
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