Residence Permit

Corporate work permit for your employees in Hungary

When moving your operation to Hungary, you might want to move some of your employees as well. They will need Hungarian residency with work permit – which you can easily get for them with our help.

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UK investment residency still popular in face of Brexit

Despite Brexit and the recently enhanced scrutiny in applications for UK investment residency (or Tier 1 visas), the number of applicants in Q1 2018 is up by 46% as compared to the previous 12 months. UK investment residency: “Tier 1 visa” The scheme is aimed at international investors who are willing to invest at least […]

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Greek Golden visa expansion plans announced

As we also reported earlier this year, the Greek Golden Visa Program might get expanded. A detailed proposal has just recently been submitted to the Greek Parliament. If approved, several new ways will open to international investors for gaining EU residency. Plans for the new Greek Golden visa Currently, you can get residency in Greece […]

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Stay in the EU after Brexit: EU citizenship for UK citizens in Hungary

Since the vote on Brexit, many British citizens are looking for a second, EU citizenship in order to keep their privileges as citizens of the European Union, including the right to live, travel, and do business in the EU. While Germany is by far the most popular destination, Hungary is most popular in Central Europe.

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Get your Serbian residency through company formation in Serbia

If you are interested in Serbian residency, you do not have to wait for the Serbian investment citizenship program to start. If you have a feasible business idea, you can also set up company, and apply for residency based on company operation. Company operation and residency in Serbia If you operate a company in Serbia, […]

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Business investment and Company formation in Serbia – get residency now

From now on, Helpers Hungary offers company formation in Serbia, together with residency application. Form a company, and apply for Serbian residency together with your family. Start your new, successful life in Serbia right now!

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Options other than citizenship if you want to live in Hungary

If you want to live in Hungary, you do not necessarily need to become a citizen: you can get residency as well, based on various activities.

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European Golden Visa programs attacked in the EP

Golden Visa programs around the world provide an attractive opportunity to obtain residency or citizenship in a given country in exchange for an investment. Now, on 30 May the European Parliament debated the controversies of the European Golden Visa programs.

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Will the European Parliament blow Golden Visa programs?

The European Parliament has recently debated Golden Visa programs in the EU. These programs fall into the jurisdiction of each member state, and let international investors get European citizenship or residency in a fast track procedure. However, since they are relevant to the whole population of the European Union, the topic needed to be addressed […]

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Immigrate to Europe from Hong Kong – Choose Hungary!

Living in Hong Kong? Would love to move to Europe, but not sure how? Just buy property in Hungary, and you are already here! Buy real estate in Hungary Set up a company for property management Get Hungarian residency and visa-free access to Europe It’s that simple! Contact us now! About Hungary Hungary lies at […]

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