Helpers Hungary

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Do I get a refund on my taxes intended to cover pension payments upon leaving Hungary?

If you leave Hungary before you reach retirement age, you do not get a refund on these taxes. However, you will be compensated depending on where you retire.

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Update your address on your Hungarian accommodation slip

Citizens have an address card to state where they live, while third country nationals have an accommodation slip. If you move to a new place, your data should be updated with the Immigration Office. Starting from this year, you can do that fully online.

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Renew your expiring TAJ card – Social security in Hungary

Is there an expiration date on your Hungarian social security card? If yes, make sure to get a new TAJ card before it expires so you remain eligible for healthcare services in Hungary.

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Property sale in Hungary: How to sell your apartment as an expat?

To sell your Hungarian apartment, you will need a lawyer to create the contract between you and your buyer and to submit it to the land registry. You might also be required to pay a 15% personal income tax after the deal – however, this property sale tax might be reduced to zero in various cases.

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Courtesy agreement of accommodation for your Hungarian residence permit

When you apply for the Hungarian residence permit, you need to indicate where you are going to live. Most people rent a home for themselves, but staying with a friend is also an option. The courtesy agreement is the document you can present to the immigration office instead of a rental agreement.

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How to obtain a certificate of good conduct in Hungary

When you are taking care of official paperwork in Hungary, you might be required to submit a certificate of good conduct to verify that you are a law-abiding person. Obtaining this document is quite easy and free of charge.

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When do you actually need an immigration lawyer in Hungary?

you do not necessarily need an immigration lawyer in Hungary to apply for residency or citizenship: your case is normally in better hands with an immigration agency such ash Helpers Hungary. At the same time, in some cases we will also direct you to a trusted lawyer partner.

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Do you need an immigration lawyer in Hungary?

When planning to apply for Hungarian residency or citizenship, many people start looking for an immigration lawyer. However, you do not necessarily need a lawyer just for your application; you might be better off with the expert help of an immigration agency that can provide comprehensive service.

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New guest worker law creates new route to Hungarian residency

Hungary is introducing a new type of residency starting from 1 November 2023. In specific cases, third country nationals who will be employed in Hungary may apply for guest worker residency instead of the combined residency and work permit. They can expect a simplified procedure, while they will be losing some perks.

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Air-conditioning at the office – Summer work safety in Hungary

Summer is on us, which means air-conditioning is being turned on in most offices and other places of business. Since the temperature of the work environment affects the health as well as the productivity of the work force, it is regulated by law to ensure the well-being of your employees.

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