Hungarian residency bond program news

The Hungarian residency bond program offers businessmen from outside Europe the opportunity to get a Schengen visa for themselves and their families in exchange for a single, safe-guaranteed investment. This way you get a Hungarian permanent resident permit for good for a commitment of only five years. Simple, isn’t it?
Updates to the Hungarian residency bond program
While the basic idea has remained the same, the Hungarian residency bond program went over some changes and got some updates since it was first launched back in December 2012. For example, financing options has become available, the investment threshold and processing fee have changed, and the number of eligible family members has been increased. Moreover, fast-track Hungarian citizenship has been promised to become available to investors and families.
Currently the investment threshold in the Hungarian residency bond program is EUR 300,000, while the processing fee is EUR 60,000. The investment amount is paid back to you in full when the investment period ends, which makes this a risk-free venture. The government processing fee gets you not only all the administration necessary for getting your permanent resident permits, but with the 10 years’ experience of Helpers you can expect to receive VIP personal assistance, immigration consultancy, legal advice and chauffeur service too. If you are more cautious about where you put your money, financing options are also available.
Watch this space for more information on the Hungarian residency bond program, and make sure to always receive the most recent news. You may also visit our service page to see the latest information, or write to and ask about the details and the VIP service available exclusively at Helpers in the Hungarian residency bond program. Call our office Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CET (GMT+1) and receive free consultation!
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