HELPERS Team Raises Funds for Blind and Disabled Athletes

We at Helpers love challenges.
This time, in cooperation with SUHANJ! – Achilles Hungary, we tackled a challenge that took us out of our comfort zones.
Our goal: Helpers has donated and is currently raising funds for two blind runners and a wheelchair athlete from Hungary who will compete in this year’s New York Marathon and raise awareness and support for those who do sports with severe disabilities.
The challenge – completed on October 12th: A 35-kilometer, 8-bike tandem-ride around Lake Velence where members of the HELPERS team rode in tandem with blind and visually impaired cyclists. Thanks to everyone who came out to ride with us and support our initiative! Click here to see the video.
Our contribution – USD 2,500: Helpers has donated USD 2,500 to cover accommodation in New York for the competing athletes.
The fundraising target – USD 4,000: With the help of our clients, partners and friends, we hope to raise an additional USD 4,000 to cover the travel expenses for the three disabled athletes and two volunteer helpers.
Help us complete our challenge and meet our target!
Donate to support this great cause – please scroll down to the bottom of this page to find out how you can contribute, or visit the donation page dedicated to the HELPERS-challenge. On this page you can also check the current status of our fundraising effort. If you need assistance, we’re more than happy to help!
In this challenge, I am proud to share a tandem bike with a blind cyclist who will place his trust in my steering abilities – while helping me learn to ride in tandem. Please help us give three amazing athletes a chance to compete in the NYC Marathon!
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re right.” – Henry Ford
I use my foldable bike to circulate in the city, but I’m gladly replacing it with a tandem bike on October 12th to raise funds for this great cause.
“Do something worth remembering!” – Elvis Presley
Andrea and Balázs
As we both go to work every day by bike, we are very happy to help a blind athlete to experience the joy of biking and take us for a round around the second biggest lake in Hungary. They will be the force, while we will be the eyes. We hope that our supporters will help us reach our goal and help our protegées to get to the New York Marathon.
“Happiness lives on the other side of your fear.” – Unknown
I can’t imagine my life without my bike. To me, cycling is freedom, the wind in my face, alone time when I can think and sing as loud as I want. This time I’ll be sharing a bike with a blind athlete and together we will have a great time at this event with the Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary foundation. Thank you for all the support!
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
I am from Iran, but I have been living in Hungary for 3 years now. I love cycling, playing ball sports and watching people running :). I am so excited about participating in this event and I am looking forward to similar programs in the future.
“Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul.” – Abū-Muhammad Muslih al-Dīn bin Abdallāh Shīrāzī
Gabriella and Attila
I usually bike short distances and very rarely; so it’s a quite big deal for me ride around Lake Velence. I’m really excited for the event, and I’m also very happy to help other people by completing this challenge with my husband, Attila’s help.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
I am very fond of sports, such as biking. I used to bike to work when lived in Budapest. It was very convenient and kept me a good shape. I look forward to this great fun together with Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary.
“When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.” – Paulo Coelho
I started biking only recently, and I bike to work every now and then. I can’t wait to do it together with my colleagues, and for such a great cause. Let’s help the Suhanj! – Achilles foundation together. It will be fun!
“There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other.” – J. K. Rowling
How you can make a donation:
You can make your donation via wire transfer, credit card, or in cash, whichever is most convenient for you. The Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary Foundation can issue a certificate to enable you to use this donation as a tax deductible if required.
Credit card
Please visit the donation site of Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary dedicated to the HELPERS challenge. You can have a look at the current status of our fundraising drive and contribute by clicking “Make a donation” and following the instructions there. After filling out a simple form with your details, the amount you wish to donate, and your message to our team, you will be redirected to the payment page of CIB Bank, where you can make a payment (in English). By following this procedure from the HELPERS fundraising page, your donation will automatically be added to our campaign. Unfortunately some bits and pieces of this donation site are in Hungarian, so if you need help navigating it, let us know and we will assist.
Wire transfer
You can also make a donation via bank transfer to the Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary Foundation’s bank account. The banking details are below (and also to be found on the Foundation’s website):
From inside Hungary: CIB Bank 10701520-22693808-51100005.
From abroad: Swift code: CIBHHUHB; IBAN HU52 1070 1520 2269 3808 5110 0005
If you choose this option, please indicate “HELPERS fundraising campaign” in the comment. You can also reach this option via the HELPERS fundraising page, in which case you’ll need to choose “Bank transfer” among the options in the form.
Until the end of October, you can also make a donation in cash at the HELPERS office.
For assistance or information on this project, please contact Lívia Buzás ( Thank you for your support!
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