Are pandemic-related restrictions staying in place in Hungary?

Last updated on 4 March 2021.
Please see our latest article about the lockdown introduced until 22 March.
The new law passed on 22 February Monday creates the legal framework for extending the state of emergency and the pandemic-related restrictions and other measures by 90 days, until 23 May 2021. However, it does not actually extend the measures in itself.
Curfew and restrictions until 15 March
UPDATE on 25 February: Currently, the pandemic-related measures including the curfew last at least until 15 March 2021. Whether they will be extended further or not is to be seen in the course of the coming weeks. The legal framework now in place allows for an extension until 23 May 2021 at most.
The state of emergency, as it was confirmed earlier, is extended until 23 May.
While the general rules for entering Hungary have not changed since September 2020, the rules of business travel have been tightened up as of 1 March 2021. Now business travel without restrictions is permitted only from certain countries (including the EU, the EEA, and a few more countries specified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Read more here.
Pandemic-related restrictions in Hungary
The current state of emergency started on 11 November 2020. The most important restrictions include a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am every day, masks being compulsory in all public spaces, and a prohibition of all public gatherings. In line with the latter, all museums, libraries, theaters, cinemas, circuses, adventure and fun parks, zoos and spas are closed to the public, while only home delivery and takeaway are allowed for restaurants.
You can read more about the restrictions in place since 11 November 2020 here.
Entry to Hungary is also somewhat restricted since last year; the last changes were made early September 2020. Tourism is forbidden, but citizens or residents of Hungary can enter without restrictions, and even non-residents can apply for a police clearance and enter Hungary if they have a good reason to do so.
You can read more about the rules for entering Hungary since September 2020 here.
The validity of documents depends on when the state of emergency ends
All documents that has expired since 4 November 2020 are still accepted as valid, and will be throughout the state of emergency, and at least 30 days after.
- The validity of Hungarian documents is extended until 60 days after the end of the state of emergency.
- The validity of the documents of third-country nationals in Hungary is extended until 30 days after the end of the state of emergency.
UPDATE: Since the state of emergency is extended until 23 May, the residency documents of third-country nationals are accepted as valid at least until 22 June.
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