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Yearly company retreat boosts productivity at Helpers

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Yearly company retreat boosts productivity at Helpers

The Helpers Team is going away for the weekend for a company retreat. We will be doing some team building to make sure we can work together as smooth as possible. In line with this, the Helpers Office will be closed from Thursday late afternoon. See you on Monday!

What is a company retreat?

A retreat is very much like a holiday: we talk about a retreat when someone removes themselves from their regular environment, often to a remote place, maybe the countryside. This is often done in groups, and with a specific purpose, for example, to study, to meditate, or to do art.

At a company retreat, the group in question is a team working at the company, and the specific purpose is team building. We get to know each other better outside the regular working environment, not only as colleagues, but also as friends, through fun activities.

Building a strong company culture

Having fun together seem unrelated to work, right? However, it will make working together easier in the long run. Spending time together outside work we will get to know another side of our colleagues, meaning not just their hobbies, but also their communication styles and preferences. The activities also increase trust and camaraderie. Thanks to this, it will be easier to act together, complementing each other’s skills, and producing results more effectively, to everyone’s satisfaction.

A better team serves our clients better

By going on a company retreat to do some team building, we achieve multiple purposes. We socialize with our colleagues, have fun together, become a better team – and as a result, we will be able to provide better service to our clients.

Our 20 years of experience tells us that building a strong company culture where colleagues can count on each other is a key ingredient to building a successful business. This is why we keep organizing events to spend time together outside the office, and the yearly company retreat is just one of the various occasions.

Even while we are away, feel free to send us a message. We will get back to you on Monday. You are also welcome to subscribe to our newsletter to get a digest of what’s up in Hungary, or follow us on Facebook to never miss an update.

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