
Hungarian citizenship application: Sidney’s story

2020 was a year of reflection for many of us. Sidney, for example, spent  a lot of time thinking about his Hungarian ancestry, and became interested in acquiring Hungarian citizenship. Because of that, he contacted Helpers Hungary to arrange his citizenship application. After submitting his request for citizenship, he sat down with our account manager …

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11 April: the Day of Hungarian Poetry

Last Sunday was 11 April: the birthday of Hungarian poet Attila József and the Day of Hungarian Poetry. Usually, this date is celebrated with cultural events such as poetry recitals and book presentations, while some coffee shops let you pay with a poem instead of money. In this blog post, we explain the background of …

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Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers

Helpers is closing for the holidays. Our last working day is 23 December, and we open again on 4 January. In our Christmas charity project, we have donated to various NGOs selected by our staff.

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Business etiquette for foreigners in Hungary

If you want to build lasting and fruitful business relationships locally, you should get familiar with basic business etiquette in Hungary. Show your respect towards your partners by being well-dressed, punctual, and polite.

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Moving to Hungary with your pet

When moving to Hungary with your pet, your pet will need the right documentation, marking, and vaccination to enter Hungary, which you can most probably take care of at your local vet.

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Municipal elections in Hungary 2019 – Are you eligible to vote?

If you are eligible for voting at the municipal elections, you were automatically added to the list of local voters when you registered your address. This means you have received a letter from the local government stating the time and date of the elections, together with the venue where you can cast your vote.

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Christmas charity: support the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter with Helpers

The main work of the animal shelter consists of rescuing and providing medical treatment for animals which were abandoned, had an accident and were left on the road, are injured or harmed by any means.

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New service structure makes Helpers services more transparent

Even good things need to be reviewed from time to time to ensure they still meet current needs. This is why we revised how are services are structured at – to make sure it is really easy for you to find whatever you need. Check out our new menu!

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Summer events for students in Hungary

After you have passed all your exams, you probably want to forget about textbooks and classes and just have fun for a while. Luckily, Hungary offers a range of summer events, including various music festivals in all sorts of locations and musical genres, so you can be sure to find your favorite.

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When does the school year in Hungary start and end?

In Hungarian primary and secondary schools, the school year starts on the 1st of September and ends on the 15th of June. At universities, the exact start of the academic year can vary a little, but it is usually divided into two semesters.

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